End to End Encryption

Data is encrypted both at rest and in transit.

  • Every communication with the Nx Cloud API is encrypted in transit, including fetching/storing artifacts.
  • When using Nx Public Cloud, the stored metadata is encrypted.
  • When using Nx Public Cloud and e2e encryption, stored artifacts are encrypted.
  • When using the on-prem version of Nx Cloud, the stored metadata is encrypted if you run MongoDB yourself with encryption on (or if you, for instance, use CosmosDB)
  • When using the on-prem version of Nx Cloud, stored artifacts are encrypted using e2e encryption.

You can set the encryptionKey property in nx.json or set the NX_CLOUD_ENCRYPTION_KEY environment variable to enable the e2e encryption of your artifacts. In this case, the artifacts will be encrypted/decrypted on your machine.